The Modern Sages: Embrace The Medicine Within
Are you searching?Are you looking for something more? Something different… Are you being called to your ancestral roots? The Modern Sages Podcast is a tribe of women that believe in exploring beyond the broken construct of society. We believe in empowering woman to explore the medicine within. All with an open mind baby!
Podcasting since 2021 • 83 episodes
The Modern Sages: Embrace The Medicine Within
Latest Episodes
Connecting To Your Spirit Guides; Power Of The Mind
Have you ever had a spiritual experience and right after questioned if that happened? What if I was to tell you there are ways to trust those experiences with no questions asked?!?This is the power of Exercising Mindfulness. I use the w...
Season 5
Episode 6

Are Your Thoughts Taking Over?
As a multi-diamentional being, understanding the mental layer of our existence is extremely important. The mind has so much power. What we attract into our reality is greatly influenced by our thoughts. If you are serious about achi...
Season 5
Episode 5

Channeling Three Herbal Spirits To Aid In Mental Support
Herbs have become such a huge passion of mine. As I have spent time leaning into the medicine that calls to my soul, a new found passion and understanding has occurred. The ancient and modern ways are being called to bridge together. <...
Season 5
Episode 4

A Soul's Transition; Rainbow bridge, Mind, Activation
On this episode of The Modern Sages Podcast, we talk about the direction of east. Our human experience is made of four elements; Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. All of these aspects are what we will experience while we are here. Dep...
Season 5
Episode 3

How To Have New Relationship With Life
We have great significance in the world around us. The seven sacred directions make up is human experience. When we could be aware of that, we can hone in on these ancient traditions and truths that have been passed down for generations.
Season 5
Episode 2